Grafana resource utilization threshold event triggers a Discord message
GitHub is the largest web-based platform that provides developers with a place to host and manage their software projects.
You can receive notifications when specific events occur in a repository by adding a GitHub Source on Vanus Connect.
This guide will help you get a Discord notification whenever someone opens a new pull request in your repository.
Get Started
Step 1: Configure the Source
- Log in to Vanus Connect and choose the Grafana resource utilization threshold event triggers a Slack message template.
Step 2: Configure Sink - Get the Slack Webhook URL
- Open Slack API in your browser, create a Webhook URL and copy it.
Tip: For detailed steps on how to obtain the Slack Webhook URL, refer to the blog Get Your Slack Webhook URL - A Quick Integration Guide.
Paste the copied URL in the "Webhook URL" section in Sink Configuration and click Submit.
Your connection has been successfully set up.
Step 3: Create a Contact Point in Grafana
Open the newly created connection and copy the webhook URL.
Open Grafana and log into your account.
Open the left sidebar and go to Alerts & IRM.
- Click on Alerting, go to Contact Points and Click on Add contact point.
- Give a name to the contact point, select 'Webhook' in the Integration section, and paste the copied URL into the URL section.
- Finally, click on Save Contact Point. Your connection is working perfectly now.