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5 posts tagged with "Slack"

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· 4 min read

Using Cloud infrastructure definitely costs money. It is best practice to keep track of your operating cost while running different services on the Cloud regardless of the Cloud Provider. In the article, I will talk about a particular Cloud Provider; AWS. I assume you are familiar with this Cloud Provider or at least have some knowledge about them. I will focus on a particular service they offer called AWS Billing which in plain terms is used to keep track of the cost incurred when you use AWS services. Let’s talk more about it in the next section.

Table of content

AWS Billing

With the help of the Amazon Billing console, you can manage your consolidated billing if you're a member of an AWS Organization, pay your AWS bills, track and report your AWS costs and consumption, and arrange your AWS usage and costs.

The Billing console works closely with the AWS Cost Management console. Both can be used to manage your spending in a comprehensive way. You can manage your ongoing payments and the payment methods linked to your AWS account using the billing console's tools.

When you register for an AWS account, Amazon Web Services automatically charges the credit card you provided. You can change the credit card AWS will use to make charges by viewing or updating your information at any time.

Next, we will talk about AWS Budgets, and why we need it

AWS Budgets


Most times, we accidentally run some services like an EC2 instance and forget to turn it back off. It could even run for a month or months before we realize we have incurred a huge cost. This is why Budgets are very important. With AWS Budgets, you can set a threshold for your expenses and when it gets to that limit, AWS will alert you about it. You can then log in to your AWS Console and shut down such services.

How To Set Up AWS Budgets

  1. Log in to your AWS Console and search for Billing, Click on it and it will open the AWS Billing Page

  2. On the Tab to the left, select Budgets and then click Create Budget

  3. Select your budget type. Select Customize and in the next section, select Cost Budget, scroll down and click Next

  4. In the next step, - Set your Budget name, - The budget period (Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly), - Select the Budget renewal type you prefer (Recurring budget, Fixed budget), - Set your start month, - Set the budgeting method (Fixed, Planned, Auto-Adjusting) - Select your budget amount which will prompt a notification when it is exceeded - Finally, select All AWS Services in Budget scope You should see a page like the screenshot below

  5. Now, we will configure our alert system according to our set budget. We can set our alert based on percentage or actual value. If set as percentage, we can set a certain percentage level has to reached before we receive an alert. For actual value, we can set the actual amount for an alert trigger. In this example, I have set a budget of $5 and 80% threshold before I receive an alert. Next, I will set an email to receive the notification. AWS also offers other means of notification like Amazon SNS Alerts and AWS Chatbot Alerts.

  6. Review your configurations and click Create Budget. If successful, you will see your budget created in the Budget Home

If you see this, congrats! You have successfully set up a budget to notify you when you exceed the threshold of budgeted amount.

Vanus Connect Extra Feature

Setting up your budget is very important as a developer or business. In this article we have used Email to receive the notifications. What if we want to receive the notification in our Slack Channel? We can easily do that with Vanus Connect. Vanus Connect provides out-of-the-box Connectors that enable you to integrate with popular services or applications without writing codes. With a simple configuration file, Vanus Connectors connect to the external service and move data in and out of that service on behalf of user applications, allowing you to focus on your business logic. I have written an article on how you can receive your AWS Billing Reports on a Slack Channel using Vanus Connect. You can check it out here.


Setting budgets for your business is very crucial, you need to monitor resource usage and be informed when you exceed your threshold. AWS Budgets helps you do that.

· 8 min read

Build a notification system that pushes any GitHub event to Slack in 5 minutes

If you have an open-source project on GitHub, you definitely need to know who is attracted to your project in real-time. For example, whether someone has starred the project or submitted an Issue or a PR. How can we get the status of open-source projects in real-time? It is obviously not a good way to keep checking the GitHub page.

This article will help open-source enthusiasts to deliver any Github events to Slack through Vanus in real-time. In this way, developers can know the status of open source projects in real-time without logging in to GitHub, so that developers can quickly respond to the following GitHub events.

This article will show how to do this in 5 minutes on playground with Vanus and Vanus Connect. The results are shown below:


Table of Contents

What is GitHub

About GitHub

GitHub is an online software development platform. It's used for storing, tracking, and collaborating on software projects. It makes it easy for developers to share code files and collaborate with fellow developers on open-source projects. GitHub also serves as a social networking site where developers can openly network, collaborate, and pitch their work.

Since its founding in 2008, GitHub has acquired millions of users and established itself as a go-to platform for collaborative software projects. This free service comes with several helpful features for sharing code and working with others in real-time.

What are GitHub events

When developers operate on GitHub, events will be generated, such as submitting Issues, submitting PR, committing code, etc. Common GitHub event types are as follows:

  • Issue event: create, delete, closed, as signed, unsigned, labeled, unlabeled, etc.
  • PR event: create, delete, closed, merged, edited, review requested, commit, etc.
  • Comments event: PR comments, Issue comments, commit comments.
  • Stars event: a star is created or deleted from the repository.
  • Version releases event: release created, edited, published, unpublished, or deleted.
  • Wiki events: Wiki page updated.
  • The team adds: team added or modified on a repository.
  • Discussions event: created, edited, pinned, unpinned, locked, unlocked, transferred, answered, etc.
  • Labels event: label created, edited, or deleted.
  • Milestone event: milestone created, closed, opened, edited, or deleted.
  • Code scanning alerts: code scanning alerts are created, fixed in a branch, or closed.

Why need GitHub events

GitHub events provide an easy way to keep track of your GitHub repository without monitoring its status manually. They’re basically a notification system that offers a high level of customizability.

Through GitHub events, you can learn a lot in real time, such as who starred the project, who submitted the PR, and whether a new version was released. At the same time, GitHub events can also trigger some operations, such as compiling code, automatic deployment, security checks, and so on.

What is Slack

Slack is an all-purpose communication platform and collaboration hub. It includes instant messaging, voice and video calls, and a suite of tools to help groups share information and work together. A Slack workspace is your team's home, similar to a dashboard .Slack Channels are shared group chat rooms for members of a workspace. Users can communicate with the entire team or certain team members in various channels.

How to Connect GitHub to Slack


  • Playground: an online k8s environment where Vanus can be deployed.
  • GitHub: your open-source repository.
  • Slack: a working Slack account.

Step 1: Deploying Vanus in the playground

1 Enter the login page and click the continue with Github button to log in with the GitHub account.


2 Wait for the automatic deployment of Kubernetes to complete, about 30 sec.


3 Deploy Vanus to the terminal on the right side of the web page.

kubectl apply -f


 $ watch -n2 kubectl get po -n vanus
vanus-controller-0 1/1 Running 0 96s
vanus-controller-1 1/1 Running 0 72s
vanus-controller-2 1/1 Running 0 69s
vanus-gateway-8677fc868f-rmjt9 1/1 Running 0 97s
vanus-store-0 1/1 Running 0 96s
vanus-store-1 1/1 Running 0 68s
vanus-store-2 1/1 Running 0 68s
vanus-timer-5cd59c5bf-hmprp 1/1 Running 0 97s
vanus-timer-5cd59c5bf-pqkd5 1/1 Running 0 97s
vanus-trigger-7685d6cc69-8jgsl 1/1 Running 0 97s

4 Install vsctl (the command line tool).

curl -O
chmod ug+x vsctl
mv vsctl /usr/local/bin

5 Set the endpoint for vsctl to access Vanus.


6 Create eventbus.

$ vsctl eventbus create  github-slack
| Create Success | github-slack|

Step 2: Deploy the GitHub source connector

1 Create webhook in GitHub repo.


Payload URL *

Get your payload URL in the GitHub to Twitter scenario under Payload URL.

This is the address of the GitHub source connector that can be accessed by the public network provided by playground. GitHub can directly push events to the GitHub source connetor provided by Vanus through this address. If developers need to deploy in their own environment, they need to provide an address that can be accessed by the public network.

Content type


Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?

Send me everything.

2 Set config file

Create config.yml in any directory, the content is as follows:

"target": ""
"port": 8082

3 Deploy the GitHub source connector and run the following command in the same directory.

docker run -it --rm --network=host \
-v ${PWD}:/vanus-connect/config \
--name source-github > a.log &

Step 3: Creating a Slack app

1 Create a Slack app.

First, log in to Slack and click Create New APP, then select From Scrath, and fill in the App Name, select the corresponding Workspace.


2 Setting permissions.

Select OAuth & Permissions , click add an OAuth Scope in the Bot Token Scopes section of the Scope tab, and add chat:write and chat:write.public two types of permissions.


Reinstall to Workspace.


The Slack app is created.

Step 4: Deploy the Slack sink connector on kubernetes

1 Create config.yml in any directory, the content is as follows:

curl -O 

2 Open sink-slack.yml, replace values of default , app_name, token, default_channel with yours.


3 Deploy the Slack sink connector.

 kubectl apply -f sink-slack.yaml

Test Result

Through the deployment of the above four parts, the components required to push GitHub events to the notification system of Slack have been deployed. The system can push arbitrary GitHub events to Slack. And GitHub events can be filtered and processed through the filter and transformer capabilities of Vanus.

  • Through a filter, developers can filter out other events and only post the GitHub events they are interested in.
  • Developers can process GitHub events through a transformer, extract key information from GitHub events, and arrange them according to their own needs.

Create a Vanus subscription and set a filter or transformer in the subscription to achieve the above requirements. This article provides an example of event delivery for readers' reference: Get the event of Github star and post it to Slack.

Create a subscription in Vanus, and set up a transformer to extract and edit key information.

vsctl subscription create  \
--eventbus github-slack \
--sink 'http://sink-slack:8080' \
--transformer '{
"define": {
"stargazers_count": "$.data.repository.stargazers_count",
"repo": "$.data.repository.html_url"
"template": "{\"subject\": \"<repo>\",\"message\":\"Hi Team, GitHub user < <user> > just stared Vanus repository at <time> . Check out his GitHub home page here: <homepage>. We have <stargazers_count> stars now !\"}"


• Line 1: Create a subscription via vsctl.

• Line 2: Set which eventbus event the subscription handles.

• Line 3: The sink parameter is the destination address to deliver the GitHub event processed by Vanus.

• Line 4: Declare to create a transformer, which extracts the user name from the GitHub event, clicks on the star time, the current number of stars, the operation type, and other variables, edits it into a sentence, and delivers it to Slack.

• Line 6: Declare user, and get the username of the dot star from the GitHub event.

• Line 7: Declare time, and get the time of clicking star from the GitHub event.

• Line 8: Declare the homepage, and get the GitHub home page address of the developer who clicked star from the GitHub event.

• Line 12: Edit the specific content of the delivery: Hi Team, GitHub user < xxx > just stared the Vanus repository at 2023-0x-xxTxx:18:03Z . Check out his GitHub home page here: . We have xxx stars now!




This article describes how to build a notification system that pushes any GitHub event to Slack through Vanus. And an example is given: get the event of Github star, extract the key information of the event through Vanus, and re-edit the information and post it to Slack. Developers can also refer to examples to obtain and process any GitHub events, such as Issue events, comments events, WIKI update events, and so on. Through the construction of this system, developers can perceive real-time status changes in GitHub repo in real time.

· 3 min read

One of the most common scenarios when working with Amazon S3 is to perform specific actions whenever changes (e.g., file uploaded or file deleted) happen in the S3 buckets.

This article shows how to automatically get notified in a Slack channel whenever changes happen in your S3 buckets.

· 5 min read

Often, the sales team or marketing needs database information about buyers, members, or users, demanding IT to provide such information.

Today I will show you how we can automatically and safely take the data entries in real-time from a MySQL database, transform the messages in a way that makes sense to the team, and send them directly to a Slack channel without needing physical input each time.

playground loading

· 6 min read

As a developer or company, have you ever felt the need to have just another simpler way of monitoring your AWS Billings aside from Email notifications? Well, in this article, I will show you how it is easy to use Vanus and two connectors (AWS Billing Source & Slack Sink) to receive your AWS Billing reports on a Slack channel. This is made possible using Vanus Connect.

Vanus Connect is a set of producers and consumers to provide interoperability across services, systems, and platforms.
