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Manage Subscriptions

The following page will teach you how to manage all of your Subscriptions with vsctl command.

Create Subscription

To create a subscription, use the following command:

vsctl subscription create


vsctl subscription create --name test --eventbus test --sink http://localhost:8080


      --credential string          sink credential info, JSON format
--credential-file string sink credential file
--credential-type string sink credential type: aws or gcloud
--delivery-timeout int32 event delivery to sink timeout, unit millisecond
--description string subscription description
--disable whether disable the subscription (just create if disable=true)
--eventbus string eventbus name to consuming
--filters string filter event you interested, JSON format required
--from string consume events from, latest,earliest or RFC3339 format time
-h, --help help for create
--max-retry-attempts int32 event delivery fail max retry attempts
--name string subscription name
--protocol string protocol,http or aws-lambda or gcloud-functions (default "http")
--rate-limit int32 rate limit
--sink string the event you want to send to
--transformer string transformer, JSON format required

Detail Subscription

To find more details about a subscription use the following command:

vsctl subscription info


vsctl subscription info --id 1660283211867739000


 -h, --help      help for info
--id uint subscription id to info

List Subscription

To list all subscriptions use the following command:

vsctl subscription list


vsctl subscription list


 -h, --help      help for info

Delete Subscription

To delete a subscription use the following command:

vsctl subscription delete


vsctl subscription delete --id 1660283211867739000


 -h, --help      help for info
--id uint subscription id to deleting