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GitHub star event triggers a Feishu message

GitHub is the largest web-based platform that provides developers with a place to host and manage their software projects.

You can receive notifications when specific events occur in a repository by adding a GitHub Source on Vanus Connect.

This guide will help you get a FeiShu notification whenever someone stars your repository.

Get Started

Step 1: Configure the Source - Authorize GitHub and select a GitHub repo

  • Log in to Vanus Connect and choose the "GitHub star event triggers a Feishu message" template.
  • Find the "Sign in with GitHub" button and authorize GitHub. Then, select the repo you want to configure.


Step 2: Configure Sink - Get the Feishu Webhook URL

  • Add a bot to the specified group in Feishu settings, and copy the Webhook URL to paste into the Sink configuration.



Tip: For detailed steps on how to obtain the Feishu Webhook URL, refer to the blog Retrieve Feishu Webhook URL - A Streamlined Guide.

Step 3: Configure Subscription - Create a Connection Using the Default Template

  • Use the pre-configured Star Template and simply click "Submit" to create the Connection.


Note: You can customize the display format and content of the notifications by configuring the Subscription.

  • After submission, the status will show as "running".


Result Display

  • When someone stars your open-source GitHub repo, you will receive a real-time GitHub Star Notification in Feishu.


The blue text in the notification received on Feishu are hyperlinks that can be clicked to view the GitHub profile of the developer directly.